主讲人:Prof . Ben Derudder
主讲人简介:Ben Derudder,比利时根特大学地理系教授,全球化与世界城市研究网络(GaWC)副主任,曾出版《全球城市:理论、政策与实践》、《全球化与世界城市国际手册》、《世界城市与商品链》等多部专著,在Regional Studies 、Global Networks、Urban Studies、European Urban and Regional Studies 等国际知名SCI/SSCI期刊发表数十篇高水平论文,目前担任多个国际主流城市地理类杂志编委或客座编辑,是一位具有国际影响力的知名学者。
Abstract: In this lecture, a state-of the-art methodology and tailored data gathering is used to present a large-scale analysis of the trajectories of individual cities and regions in the world city network between 2000 and 2016. The methodology used to examine cities’ evolving network centralities is based on advanced producer services firms “interlocking” cities through their worldwide distributions of offices. The analysis is not limited to a set of putative “world cities”, as it incorporates 259 cities from all world-regions into a comprehensive global urban analysis. Absolute, relative and standardised measures of change are developed to reveal the major dimensions of change. The most notable finding is that significant connectivity gains have been limited to a small set of cities (Dubai, Shanghai, Beijing, Doha in particular) and regions (China in particular) in the face of persisting core/periphery patterns at the level of the global economy, with New York and London remaining firmly at the apex. At the same time, overall levels of connectivity in the world city network have clearly risen, suggesting an increasingly integrated global urban network in which an uneven west-to-east shift is discernible.