2017-09-28 Robert Nelson - Can Humans Survive the Climate Crisis without Geo-engineering?


讲座题目:Can Humans Survive the Climate Crisis without Geo-engineering?

主讲人:Robert Nelson 博士,美国行星科学研究所

主持人:白开旭 博士

开始时间:2017年9月28日 (周四)10:00





        Dr. Nelson received his PhD in Earth and Planetary Sciences in 1977 the University of Pittsburgh. He was a member of the science staff of JPL from 1978 until joining PSI in 2012. He was a Guest Observer on the NASA International Ultraviolet Explorer Spacecraft (1980-1988) and the Photopolarimeter Experiment Representative to the Voyager Project (1982-1990). He served as a member of the Mercury Orbiter Definition Team for the NASA Space Physics Division (1996-1998) and the development team for the roadmap for solar system exploration (1996-1998). Since 1990, he has been a team member of the Visual and Infrared Spectrometer on Cassini. He was the Project Scientist for the Deep Space One Mission (1995-2004).