2017-6-28 Yoshihide Wada Opportunities and constraints for improved water resources management using different lenses and scales



讲座题目:Opportunities and constraints for improved water resources management using different lenses and scales

主讲人:Yoshihide Wada


开始时间:2017-06-28 09:20:00





       Yoshihide Wada,荷兰乌特勒支大学(Utrecht Uni.)博士(2009-2013),日本JSPS海外博士后研究项目获得者(2015-2017)。现担任奥地利应用系统分析国际研究所(IIASA)高级研究员、水项目副主任(2016年至今);兼任荷兰乌特勒支大学自然地理系高级副研究员(2017年至今),美国NASA 戈达德太空研究所(Goddard Institute for Space Studies)客座研究员(2015年至今);美国地球物理协会核心刊物WRR副主编(2017年至今),日本水文学会(JAHS)刊物HRL副主编(2017年至今)。长期担任Nature、Science、WRR、JGR 、GRL、GPC、Earth System Dynamics等数十种刊物审稿人,2015年WRR最佳审稿人获得者。先后主持欧盟EartH2Observe、IIASA-WFaS等国际合作基金近十项。

       Wada博士主要从事大尺度水资源数值模拟与应用研究,尤其在全球水资源过程的自然、社会与经济环境的综合影响评价方面工作较为出色,是该领域优秀的国际青年学者之一。2010年以来,以第一作者在Nature Geoscience、Nature Climate Change、WRR、GRL等主流刊物上发表数十篇;并多次在Nature、PNAS等刊物上合作发表研究成果。现已发表SCI论文近100篇,SCI论文总引用超过4000次,h-index指数26(Google scholar),特邀学术报告100多次。



       The quest for water security has been a struggle throughout human history. Only in recent years has the scale of this quest moved beyond the local, to the national and regional scales and to the planet itself. Absent or unreliable water supply, sanitation and irrigation services, unmitigated floods and droughts, and degraded water environments severely impact half of the planet’s population.

       Over the past few years, water insecurity has become recognized in the World Economic Forum global risk studies as one of the greatest threats that business leaders themselves see that they face in the future, both in terms of likelihood and scale. The scale and complexity of the water challenges faced by society, particularly but not only in the world’s poorest regions, are now recognized, as is the imperative of overcoming these challenges for a stable and equitable world.

       How can we ensure the well‑being of all people and ecosystems with the water, human, technological, and financial resources available? In the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals water has to be managed more effectively and wisely by unlocking scientific, managerial, and business capabilities; breaking out of technological lock-in; and innovative and adaptive portfolios of solutions have to be developed while removing barriers to progress on sound water governance.

       IIASA’s Water Futures and Solutions Initiative (WFAS) is an unprecedented inter-disciplinary scientific initiative to identify robust and adaptive portfolios of optional solutions across different economic sectors, including agriculture, energy and industry, and to test these solution-portfolios with multi‑model ensembles of hydrologic and sector models to obtain a clearer picture of the trade‑offs, risks, and opportunities.

       The results of WFaS scenarios and models will provide a basis for long‑term strategic planning of water resource development. And given the complexity of the water system, WFaS will uniquely provide policy makers with optional sets of solutions that work together and that can be easily adapted as circumstances change in the future.

       Water is also all about relationships. As WFaS progresses, it will establish a network involving information exchange, mutual learning and horizontal cooperation across teams of researchers, public and private decision makers and practitioners exploring solutions at regional, national and local scales. The initiative includes a major stakeholder consultation component, to inform and guide the science and to test and refine policy and business outcome.




编辑 | 张景妤