Drivers of the US CO2 emissions 1997-2013



报告人:孙来祥 教授



主持人: 刘敏 教授




     Laixiang Sun is a Professor in the Department of Geographical Sciences, UMD. He was previously the Chair Professor and Head of Department at Department of Financial and Management Studies, SOAS, University of London. He was awarded the title “Fellow (Academician) of the Academy of Social Sciences” ( in February 2010. He is a research professor at Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) in China Academy of Sciences. He is affiliated with Guanghua School of Management in Peking University, Beijing, China, and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria. He has produced more than 120 research publications in regional sciences and regional economics, environmental sciences and management, business and management studies, integrated modelling, and ecological economics..


    Fossil fuel CO2 emissions in the United States decreased by 11% between 2007 and 2013, from 6,023 to 5,377 Mt. This decline has been widely attributed to a shift from the use of coal to natural gas in US electricity production. However, the factors driving the decline have not been quantitatively evaluated; the role of natural gas in the decline therefore remains speculative. In this research we use input–output structural decomposition analysis (SDA) to assess sources of change in US CO2 emissions over a decade of mostly increasing emissions, 1997–2007, and then over the period of mostly decreasing emissions, 2007–2013. Before 2007, rising emissions were primarily driven by economic growth. After 2007, decreasing emissions were largely a result of economic recession with changes in fuel mix (for example, substitution of natural gas for coal) playing a comparatively minor role.



