题名:Sensitivity studies for atmospheric carbon dioxide retrieval from atmospheric infrared sounder observations
领域:Remote Sensing 四区
来源:Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
作者:Mandi Zhou,Jiong Shu*,Ci Song, and Wei Gao
题名:Sensitivity studies for atmospheric carbon dioxide retrieval from atmospheric infrared sounder observations
领域:Remote Sensing 四区
来源:Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
作者:Mandi Zhou,Jiong Shu*,Ci Song, and Wei Gao
邮箱:geo@geo.ecnu.edu.cn电话:54341218地址:上海市闵行区东川路500号华东师范大学河口海岸大楼© 2023 华东师范大学版权所有 地理科学学院