题名:Effects of cumulus parameterizations on predictions of summerflood in the Central United States
来源:Climate Dynamics
作者:F.Qiao and X-Z Liang
This study comprehensively evaluates the effects of twelve cumulus parameterization (CUP) schemes on simulations of 1993 and 2008 Central US summer floods using the regional climate-weather research and forecasting model. The CUP schemes have distinct skills in predicting the summer mean pattern, daily rainfall frequency and precipitation diurnal cycle. Most CUP schemes largely underestimate the magnitude of Central US floods,but three schemes including the ensemble cumulus parameterization (ECP), the Grell-3 ensemble cumulus parameterization (G3) and Zhang-McFarlane-Liang cumulus parameterization (ZML) show clear advantages over others in reproducing both floods location and amount. In particular, the ECP scheme with the moisture convergence closure over land and cloud-base vertical velocity closure over oceans not only reduces the wet biases in the G3 and ZML schemes along the US coastal oceans, but also accurately reproduces the Central US daily precipitation variation and frequency distribution. The Grell (GR) scheme shows superiority in reproducing the Central US nocturnal rainfall maxima, but others generally fail. This advantage
of GR scheme is primarily due to its closure assumption in which the convection is determined by the tendency of large-scale instability. Future study will attempt to incorporate the large-scale tendency assumption as a trigger function in the ECP scheme to improve its prediction of Central US rainfall diurnal cycle.
of GR scheme is primarily due to its closure assumption in which the convection is determined by the tendency of large-scale instability. Future study will attempt to incorporate the large-scale tendency assumption as a trigger function in the ECP scheme to improve its prediction of Central US rainfall diurnal cycle.