题名:Mapping spatio-temporal flood inundation dynamics at large river basin scale using time-series flow data and MODIS imagery.
来源:International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
作者:Huang Chang, Chen Yun, Wu Jianping
tFlood inundation is crucial to the survival and prosperity of flora and fauna communities in floodplainand wetland ecosystems. This study tried to map flood inundation characteristics in the Murray-DarlingBasin, Australia, utilizing hydrological and remotely sensed data. It integrated river flow time series andModerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images to map inundation dynamics over thestudy area on both temporal and spatial dimensions. Flow data were analyzed to derive flow peaks andAnnual Exceedance Probabilities (AEPs) using the annual flood series method. The peaks were linkedwith MODIS images for inundation detection. Ten annual maximum inundation maps were generatedfor water years 2001–2010, which were then overlaid to derive an inundation frequency map. AEPs werealso combined with the annual maximum inundation maps to derive an inundation probability map. Theresultant maps revealed spatial and temporal patterns of flood inundation in the basin, which will benefitecological and environmental studies when considering response of floodplain and wetland ecosystemsto flood inundation.
全文链接地址: 2014_23_吴健平_Mapping spatio-temporal flood inundation dynamics at large river basin scale using time-series flow data and MODIS imagery